Spotting Guide

Alphabetical Spotting Guide.

Spot to be Removed Chemical to Use Spot to be Removed Chemical to Use
Beer TANaway™ Lipstick Super POG™ or Nature-L™
Blood PROform™ Makeup Super POG™ or Nature-L™
Candy PROform™ Mascara Super POG™ or Nature-L™
Chocolate PROform™ Mayonnaise Super POG™ or Nature-L™
Coffee TANaway™ Milk PROform™
Collar N' Cuff Soil Collar N' Cuff™ Nail Polish Super POG™ or Nature-L™
Crayon Super POG™ or Nature-L™ Oil Super POG™ or Nature-L™
Discharge PROform™ Paints - Oil Based Super POG™ or Nature-L™
Dyes ENLIGHTEN or TITAN™ Paints - Latex Nature-L™
Egg PROform™ Perspiration PROform™
Food PROform™ Rust Rust Buster™
Fruit, Fruit Juice TANaway™ Salad Dressing Super POG™ or Nature-L™
Grass TANaway™ Shoe Polish Super POG™ or Nature-L™
Gravy Super POG™ or Nature-L™ Soft Drinks TANaway™
Grease Super POG™ or Nature-L™ Suntan Lotion Super POG™ or Nature-L™
Gound in Soil Clean Coat™ Tannin Stains TANaway™
Hair Dressing Super POG™ or Nature-L™ Tar Super POG™ or Nature-L™
Ice Cream PROform™ Tea TANaway™
Inks Super POG™ or Nature-L™ Wax Super POG™ or Nature-L™
Ketchup PROform™ Wine TANaway™